فحوصات السمع

فحوصات السمع admin March 9, 2024
يهدف الفحص لرؤية قناة الأذن و الطبلة بوضوح و ملاحظة اذا ما كان هناك تراكم للشمع او وجود التهابات في القناة السمعية او ثقب في الطبلة او اي اضطراب اخر
This type of examination is suitable for adults, as sounds of different frequencies are produced through headphones on the patient's ear and his reaction is tested every time he hears a sound. This allows the specialist to accurately know the patient's hearing level
It measures middle ear pressure, the condition of the eardrum membrane, and the function of the Eustachian tube, which allows predicting the possibility of ear infections.
This type of examination is suitable for children from the age of six months to 3 years. Sounds are produced in different directions inside the examination room, and when the child turns, a game appears that encourages him to constantly turn towards the source of the sound during the examination.
هذا النوع من الفحوصات يناسب الاطفال من عمر سنتين وحتى الخامسة ، قبل البدء بالفحص يتم تدريب الطفل أنه في حالة سماعه للصوت أن يضع مكعب في علبة مثلاً أو يضع الحلقة في وتد
This type of hearing test is suitable for newborns and children under three years; It depends on taking accurate readings of the brain’s response to the sound heard during the child’s sleep